Sunday, April 6, 2008

hello world

"Let's write a blog!"

"Cool! Let's."

"Okay, then. What shall it be about?"


Welcome to the wonderful world of the random walk. Embracing
wholeheartedly the dictum that it is better to travel
hopefully than to arrive, this blog will stagger from point to
interesting point, a whirl of topics knit by no thread
other than our various fascinations.

So, who is this "us", I hear you cry. SitaramIyer (the space
is silent) is paid by Google to support his hacking habit.
Abraham Thomas is retired and threatens to write his magnum opus
any day. Nisha Pillai is a geek in suit's (what else?)
clothing. And Martin DeMello works for a startup in between
bouts of being distracted by something shiny.

Welcome to Polytopia, and off we go.

1 comment:

Ludwig said...

> SitaramIyer (the space
> is silent) is paid by
> Google to support his
> hacking habit. Abraham
> Thomas is retired and
> threatens to write his
> magnum opus any day.

By Golly, if it isn't the usual suspects!

Hello, olde ghosts.

"And you, young Skywalkers; we shall watch your blog with great interest."